Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Starting at the Beginning

Father God you created every living thing; every bird, every animal, every plant, every tree, every drop of water, every grain of sand and every human being.  It all begins with you and it all ends with you.  So often we forget to thank you and to honour your for this.  More often though we forget to cherish each day, each breath, each moment.  Life has a way of getting in our way and that is the worst excuse going.  Nothing should stop me from honouring you, nothing should stop me from remembering how I came to be and why I am here.  So often I find myself wandering in prayer.  Why is it so easy for me to wander from you when you have never wandered from me???
Help me God to stay focused and to stay grounded in you.  Help me to never forget the gift that life is, that my life is. I want to be closer to you God but I let so much get in the way.  I am not the servant I want to be, I am not the witness I want to be.  Am I the servant and witness you want me to be?  Change me God if I am not. Keep me focused on you, keep me focused on what it is that you want me to do with my life.  Use me God to better your world, this world that you so freely have given us and we have abused and mistreated it and those in it.  I am your faithful servant and I am trying hard to empty myself of my will so that you can do whatever it is with my life, take me wherever you want me to go.  I need to stop resisting, I need to stop being  a Jonah.  Make your channel God.

Friday, December 6, 2013

My Identity in You

Oh heavenly Father, today I am processing a devotion on identity...how I view myself and how that gives way to sin.  God I know I need help here.  I view myself as overweight, lacking in self-worth and a failure at times and yet others I view myself with excessive self worth...it makes no sense.  Why can't I just see myself as you see me...perfect, wonderful, beautiful...exactly as you made me.  When I view myself in a negative light then I end up giving way to sinful behaviour.... glutteny, over eating especially poor food choices.  I gossip, I focus on the negatives in others, I put undo attention on myself.  So many things, so many bad choices.
God, please help me to identify myself in you.  Help me to see myself as you see me.  Help me to ward off the negative self talk, the words of the enemy creeping in and making me doubt everything about me. With confidence given by you, not by me, I can do many great things in you. I can be a good servant and witness.
Thank you so much for the person you have made me.  Thank you for the strength you have given me to get healthy, to eat better, to exercise more, to lose the weight that has pulled me down for years.  Please continue to bless me in this way.  Thank you for the gifts of words that I have been blessed with and have shared so freely with others, I know you are using me to help others refocus when grief has torn them down.  And thank you God for my life, for saving me!
I love you Lord Jesus, with all my heart and wish only to be the best servant I can be.

Thursday, December 5, 2013


Oh Heavenly Father; today I am reminded of all the wondrous surprises you present us with.  How often do we think we can predict what will come next, how often do we just coast along in life, going through the motions and never giving it a second thought until something happens to cause us to sit up and take notice.  To take notice of you!
God I am so sorry for missing the purpose of your surprises at times.  I am so sorry for not being patient to wait for them.  I am even more sorry for the times I have just gone through the motions and not given my life and the blessings it is filled with much thought let alone praised you for it.
It is so encouraging to know that you are a surprising God for the surprises are the ways that you break our cycle, especially when it is a cycle of sin.
I want to be open and welcoming to all the surprises you have for me Lord.  Help me to appreciate my life at all times...in the times of surprise and excitement, in the times of sorrow, sadness, strife, and trials and all the times in between when life might seem just abit stagnant and boring.  Help me to see that each and every part is a gift from you.
I want to be your servant Lord, to serve you in all of these times, to not doubt, to be faithful and sure and to be a witness to your amazing love.  Help me Lord, strengthen me Lord, give me patience.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Faith and Patience

Heavenly Father;
So often it is hard for me to be patient and wait for you to answer my prayers.  So often I think I am getting the answer and jump ahead with what my selfish heart wants, convincing myself it is what you want me to do, only to end making mistakes, making the wrong choice, ending up in more troubles instead of less.
When we have faith in you, when we trust you to bring the change, to answer the prayers, to bring the next stage of our life forward instead of rushing ahead without thinking, without being impatient, we are rewarded.
Help, oh God, to be patient.  Help me to be still and listen.  Help me to pray before I act...not just think before I act.  Help me to be a good servant by giving me the much needed patience that is required to hear your voice and feel your guidance.